Auntie Ziona Against Auntie Simone

April 28, 2008

I have another nephew, thanks G_d…

Filed under: jail, Mony Gripstein, noodnik, rabbi, shoah, Trotsky, Yoni — auntieziona @ 8:57 pm

This is my life, this is my family and this is my little shoa:
I have two nephews, one is Mony, yes, Mony Gripstein – you all know him by now. When he left the house thirty years ago, we all wanted to believe that he was about to become a new Trotsky, a kliene Lenin or even Rosen Luxemburg, but this never happened.
Time after time we had to pay good lawyers to make sure the noodnik wasn’t thrown into jail. With the help of G_d, we were always able to play the Rabbi Card, and the goyim, always so anxious not to be seen as anti-semitic, swallowed it already many times.

But I have a second nephew, his name is Yoni Cash, look at him, what a beautiful self-loving kid, a proud man. And no-one contacts me to complain about him. He never stole a credit card, nor did he stalk a young woman (yes, he has a certain fondness for handcuffs, but never used them for personal gain). He is an Shoimer Mitzvoth and about to become a Rabbi. Yoni Derech Zalecha – this clip you have to see!

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